The Stealth Pro line of QuietCool Advanced Whole House Fans was first introduced in 2014 and is an evolution of our Energy Saver Classic line. With energy consumption as low as 55 watts and a 15-year warranty, the QuietCool Stealth Pro Line installed by Eco Air Solutions offers ultra-high efficiency and peace of mind operation.

The Stealth Pro is the second line in our Pro series. The models’ CFM range and speed options are similar to the Trident Pro series. The major component that separates the Stealth Pro series from the Trident series is the electronically commutated (ECM) AC/DC brushless motor. These motors are breaking new ground in the world of whole house fans! The motor contains a microchip that allows the motor to cycle from alternating current, to direct current. This is what has homeowners so excited and allows the incredible energy savings! Another great benefit of this “brushless” motor is there are less moving parts, which translates to fewer parts at risk of being damaged. The Stealth Pro series also comes with an industry leading 15-year motor warranty! If reducing your energy footprint by the largest margin is your main focus, or if you are looking to save the most money, then the Stealth Pro is the answer you have been looking for!

Eco Air Solutions has installed over 6000 QuietCool Whole House Fans. Click Here to learn “Why” we are your trusted installers. Call (714) 696-8326 Today to talk with a QuietCool expert.

Electronically Commutated AC/DC Brushless Motor

All QuietCool Stealth Pro Line fans include our ultra-high efficiency electronically commutated AC/DC brushless motors. Known as “ECM” motors, these motors offer ultra-high efficiency with very high CFM/Watt ratios. All Stealth Pro fans operate on low wattage and low amperage. These motors are so efficient that they can help homeowners slash their A/C related electricity costs by up to 50-90%.

To learn more about the Stealth Pro line, call That Fan Guy® today at 855-6-FanGuy